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Common Causes of Car Wrecks

According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), in 2020 Mississippi had over 700 deaths due to car crashes. This number has continued to rise over the years and doesn’t seem to be...

Log Truck Collision Kills 3 People

Monday afternoon MHP responded to a log truck crash in Copiah County that killed 3 people. The log truck was travelling East on highway 28 when it collided with a Lexus. As a result...

18-Wheeler Wreck Kills 3 on I-59

WLBT reports of a deadly crash on I-59 Saturday afternoon involving an 18-wheeler and another vehicle. Mississippi Highway Patrol reports the 18-wheeler wreck kills 3 of the people in the passenger vehicle and injured...

Driver Traveling Wrong Way Kills 2 People on I-55

Reports of a deadly crash on I-55 in Jackson after a driver traveling the wrong way kills 2 people and injured others late Friday afternoon. Officials say the driver was traveling South in the...

When is it ok for police to chase?

When is it ok for police to chase, and can they be liable if someone is killed in the process? Recently, Police officers with the City of Pearl, Mississippi pulled a suspect over for...

Dangerous Semi-Truck Crash on I-55

WAPT News reports of a dangerous semi-truck crash occurred on I-55 this morning, July 21st in Canton, MS near the Nissan plant involving a semi-truck and multiple vehicles. It is still a developing story,...

Avoid 18-Wheeler Wrecks

A majority of the transportation of goods in U.S. is done by the trucking industry. With such large heavy vehicles on the road there is bound to be accidents resulting in major injuries and...

Massive 21 Car Pileup

A massive 21 car pileup in Montana took the lives of six people and injured many others late Friday afternoon. According to authorities, a huge dust storm is the cause of this major accident,...

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