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Summons by Publication in Mississippi

You may have seen legal notices in your local Mississippi newspaper before, but what happens when there is no newspaper in your Hinds, Rankin, Madison or other county area?  Where do you go to...

Congratulations to CG Immigration Team

We want to congratulate our Immigration legal team on getting a negative credible fear determination reversed. Our team worked tirelessly to fight for our client and got him the results he deserved. Chhabra &...

Mental Stress Injury And Workers Comp?

I think most of the working class in Hinds or Rankin County in Mississippi can admit that they usually feel some type of mental health stress at their job. You may wonder: How much stress...

“You don’t know what it’s like”

“You don’t know what it’s like” I hear this all the time. You’re right. I do not know what it is like to be severely injured at work, what it is like to lose everything I...

Slip and Falls and Premises Liability

Slip and falls are the second most likely cause of injury in America, but one of the most misunderstood. Whether it be work place injuries or premises liability at a place unrelated to your...

Moms are Superheroes

Are you are a working mom? Do you have one or multiple children? Being a mom that works is hard especially when you have multiple children. Being a working mom in Mississippi doesn’t mean you’re...

What to do following a car accident?

Many times the clients we see are involved in a car accident for the very first time and have no idea what to do. Here some recommended tips:   Call the police. A police report...

What is UM/UIM coverage and why do I need it?

Most everyone knows what car insurance is.  You pay a monthly premium to an insurance company, and in exchange that company agrees under contract to pay for the loss that occurs when you are...