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Premises Liability

Slip and Falls and Premises Liability

Slip and falls are the second most likely cause of injury in America, but one of the most misunderstood. Whether it be work place injuries or premises liability at a place unrelated to your...

What is Negligence?

What is negligence? Good question. Depends on the situation and the act that may have caused an injury. Negligence is doing something a reasonable person wouldn’t do. Seems straight forward. A reasonable person shouldn’t run a red...

Immediate Steps after a Slip, Trip, and Fall at a Business

A Slip, Trip and Fall in a business is a very common type of personal injury claim in Mississippi. There are a few steps we recommend to increase the chance of your case. Oftentimes,...

Preparing For Your Slip And Fall Injury Case

Slip and Fall is a very common type of personal injury claim. One of the best ways to increase the chances of your case is to preserve the evidence from the day of the...

Slip and Fall Personal Injury

A SLIP AND FALL IS A COMMON TYPE OF PERSONAL INJURY CLAIM. Many of our clients have experienced a slip and fall at one time in their life. But many people do not understand that...

Your Slip and Fall Personal Injury Case and How To Prepare

Slip and Fall is a common type of Personal Injury claim. Slip and Fall is a very common type of personal injury claim. One of the best ways to increase the chances of your case...

Serious Brain Injuries Sustained At Daycare

Serious Brain Injuries sustained at daycare, parents' lawsuit claims. The parents of a Birmingham boy are suing his former daycare after he was injured by a falling television. Mark Dailey and Valerie Dailey filed a lawsuit...

I fell and hurt myself on a property isn’t the owner/operator at fault? Actually, you could be wrong.

Just because you slipped or tripped and fell on someone's property doesn't mean that they are automatically responsible for your injuries. In a slip and fall case, the law requires you to show that...

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