Proving Corexit Poisoning-Civil Engineer Marco Kaltofen-Gulf Oil Spill
Above is a video that provides evidence that supports what many scientist have been saying all along; Corexit was the wrong move. For months, the Federal government...
Researches on vessels throughout the Gulf of Mexico has reported finding vast amounts of thick oil on the sea floor. Labeled by some as the 'Slime Highway,' many fear that this layer of Oil...
A large, thick, black oil appeared out of no where this past Friday on the Louisiana shores west of the Mississippi River. Officials report 6 to 12 foot tar patties that where at times...
Thousands of people throughout the Gulf Coast region have become ill since the BP Oil Spill disaster. Several private enviornmental teams and organizations have traveled to the coast only to discover that the air...
Many of the Gulf's shrimpers are facing hard decisions. With controversy surrounding the safety of the Gulf's seafood, Shrimpers don't want to fish for a product with no market.
After the BP Oil Spill on...
At a meeting with local fisherman and state and federal officials, many questioned the agency heads in attendance on the safety of the seafood in their fishing waters.
Though results released by the state and...
This week, BP released its internal investigation results that were initiated soon thereafter the explosion on the Deepwater Horizon rig that killed 11 crew members. The report identifies 8 key factors that lead to...
The Los Angelos Times published an article summarizing what many believe to be a key factor in the BP Oil Spill that occurred on April 20, 2010 killing 11 crew members. One of the...